Loosing sound when switching apps
Jörn Mirete
Bug valid for iOS 17.7.2 on iPad (not valid on iOS 18.1.1 on iPhone).
Using those simple wired Apple headphones. Playing a beat in BeatNote. Fine. Gesture change to other app which is using sound (here: playing a score in UltimateGuitar, but other sound-using apps too). Gesture change back to BeatNote. Hit play. No sound. Uuuuuuurghhh. Unplug headphone cable and replug headphone cable. Hit play again in BeatNote: sound. Best regards, Jörn.
Kevin Jimenez
Hi Jörn Mirete Following up to see if you are still experiencing this issue. Thanks!
Jörn Mirete
Kevin Jimenez Time to come back for me. Meanwhile I had a iOS-Update on that iPad. It is 17.7.5 now (quite an old device).
But the issue is unchanged in comparison to my initial comment. One more information (which I did no test before) is:
Playing sound in BeatNote --> switching to play sound in other sound-app --> switching to a third app without using sound --> going back to play sound in BeatNote = sound in BeatNote is fine.
That "other sound-app" can be every app in which I actively started to play sound (some Streaming, YouTube, a browser with some media, UltimateGuitar, a metronome app, you name it ...).
That "third app without using sound" can be every other app, no matter if it COULD play sound or not. As long as it DOES NOT actively PLAY sound, this "extra mile" allows BeatNote in the end to play sound.
Derek asked for video of the workflow to reproduce that bug. I could not handle that, but the step-by-step-descriptions should be fine.
Thanks for your efforts! Best regards from Jörn
Derek Lee
Hello Jörn Mirete and welcome to the community! I appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback about the app.
A lot of time and effort has been invested to ensure the audio functions properly when switching between apps, and it seems that there are still some apps out there that are difficult to work with. I've already tested with a long list of sound-using apps and browsers to ensure audio consistency, and it sounds like you found another one I need to add to the list. 😅
What would help me the most is if you could provide me with a video showing the behavior you're seeing with the apps you're using and the workflow you have. You mentioned UltimateGuitar, but what other "sound-using" apps does this happen with?
Also it sounds like it's working properly on your iPhone iOS18 but not on your iPad iOS17. There are also considerable differences between iOS versions, so these issues are quite tricky. If you could please send me an email with your device information from the settings screen -> Email Derek it will contain your device information automatically. This is the best way to report a bug so I can also reference your device info.
Thanks for your help! Your feedback makes Beat Note better for everyone! Best, Derek