Clear a measure with one button
Derek Lee
Hello Martin - I wanted to follow up on this enhancement request.
At the current time, there is the ability to clear all notes for an instrument (tap the instrument, and then tap "Clear All Notes"), as well as the ability to swipe to add/remove notes quickly.
Have you also tried to create a "template" beat with your desired instruments? �
Derek Lee
Thanks for this request Martin!
Can you please provide more details about your workflow here?
Why do you duplicate an existing beat to keep the same tags instead of creating a new beat? What is it you want to do with your new beat?
Derek Lee
I'm transcribing lots of beats from various music genres, found online or in books.
If I take Rock for instance, I create a Rock tag and then tags for subtypes (hard rock, pop rock) and for each of them I have a dozen of beats called hard rock beat 1, hard rock beat 2 etc.
So duplicate is the fastest option that I have found so far but not optimal, although better than creating a beat from scratch.
Being able to clear a measure would help a lot.
Derek Lee
Martin Thanks for sharing more about what you're doing! I'm still having a difficult time understanding the challenge here.
Duplicating a beat maintains the same instruments, and after duplicating it, you can simple add a new measure before or after and this maintains the same time signature, subdivisions, and voicing.
If your beat has a lot of measures, then I suppose you would have to delete all existing measures. Is it the deleting of measures that is inconvenient? I thought there was an existing feature request for deleting multiple measures, but it appears as though there is not. I've been exploring ways to edit multiple measures at one time, including delete, but there isn't a formal request here yet.
And also an existing enhancement to duplicate multiple measures:
If you're looking for a simple way to maintain a long list of tags when creating a beat, my recommendation is to create a "Template" beat first.
Create a new beat, or duplicate an existing one, and assign all of the instruments and tags you want it to have. Name it "Rock Template" and each time you want to create a beat with that configuration, simply duplicate that beat.
I understand this isn't the most graceful approach, but it is a valid workaround and should suffice for the time being. Beat Note is a constant work in progress, and it will continue to evolve and improve over the coming weeks, months, and years. 👍🏻