Increase the volume of playback, When i am using this with students the volume is low and students struggle to hear the grooves.
Derek Lee
Hinrich Nagel Jesse Rolland how is the playback volume on Beat Note now? Would love to hear your feedback. Thanks!
Richard Wilson
much better. Thanks.
Jesse Rolland
Derek Leeits way louder on my Bluetooth speaker now. Heck yeah! Thank you!
Derek Lee
Richard Wilson Thank you Richard! 🙏
Derek Lee
Jesse Rolland Thanks bud! 🤘🏻
Hinrich Nagel
Derek LeeSounds good. I'm satisfied. Thanks!
Richard Wilson
Just got the update and much much better, massive thanks for this. great work. Have a great Christmas and hopefully we can meet again next year.
Derek Lee
Richard Wilson Thanks so much for confirming! I was very interested to hear your thoughts on the latest update. Thank you again for your feedback!
I've already booked my space at the UK Drum Show for next year so it'll be great to see you again! Always happy to jump on a call as well if you'd like! Happy holidays to you, too!
Derek Lee
Included in version 4.1.7! 🎉
Derek Lee
Hello Richard Wilson and thanks for your patience! I finally had a chance to dig my heels into this to understand what was happening and look at solutions to improve the volume control.
In the end, I was able to both a) increase the overall volume of the playback audio and b) ensure that the samples did not increase so much in volume that it would result in clipping.
I did a comparison between the old version and the new version so you can both hear and see the difference. Attached is an image showing the before wave form (smaller peaks) and the after wave form (much larger peaks).
Additionally, I also created a screen recording video so you can hear the different for yourself:
It's quite the rabbit hole to dive into this level of detail on the audio processing so it could likely be tweaked even further. Once you have a chance to play with it, please share your feedback.
I'm submitting this update to Apple today but how long it takes before they review it and release it is unknown, so be on the lookout for a new update in the next 24-48 hours. I'll mark this as completed once I've confirmed Apple has released the update. 👍🏻
Thanks again for your feedback! It helps make Beat Note better for everyone! 🎉
Derek Lee
in progress
Investigating for release in an upcoming update.
Derek Lee
Thanks for this feedback Richard Wilson!
Could you please share more about how you're using the app so I can understand how to adjust the volume?
What device are you using?
What audio output are you using?
What are you doing while the app is playing?
Please provide as much context as possible so I can understand how you are using the app. Thank you! Best, Derek
Richard Wilson
Derek Lee Thanks Derek, I am running this from my Mac through my interface and out to a headphone mix for the students, When compared to say Groove Scribe the volume is around 1/3 lower from Beat App, I have to crank the volume up to almost full but then the mix is all off with the drums etc..... hope that makes sense, any problems let me know, Cheers. Rich
Derek Lee
Richard Wilson Thanks for describing how you are using the app for the audio setup! Everyone seems to have a different setup when it comes to audio, and understanding this is key so I can re-create the same scenario to understand how you are hearing the audio output.
Let me see what I can do to adjust the audio from the app. 👍🏻 Your feedback helps make Beat Note better for everyone - thank you Richard! Best, Derek
Richard Wilson
Derek Lee great. Thanks.