For the purpose of both composing, playback within Beat Note, and exporting to other formats (e.g. PDF), I'd like to be able to configure how many times a measure repeats. Two examples that come to mind are: For a given song part (verse, chorus, what have you), input the main groove in a single measure and then mark it as repeating a certain number of times (maybe 3, 7, 11, etc). For a given beat, maybe there are several measures of rest. Given a measure of rest, indicate how many measures of rest there are so only a single measure is shown and the # of times it is repeated is also shown. Additionally: During playback of a measure that repeats multiple times, the app should visually indicate (or maybe audibly in the case of a measure of rests?) what the current repeat count is during playback. There are probably other aspects that should be considered for this, but this is a good place to start.